Parenting Classes
Dates are subject to change. Please contact staff listed below for more information and registration.
Hope Cottage Parenting Support Office Hours at Brother Bill’s Helping Hand
Every Wednesday 9:30 am - 11:00 am
Every Thursday 9:30 am - 11:30 am
Brother Bill's Helping Hand
3906 N Westmoreland Road
Dallas, TX, 75212
The Hope Cottage parenting team will be on-site to provide counseling and materials assistance to pregnant women and parents with children 0-36 months.
Hope Cottage Clase Para Padres/Parenting Class at Brother Bill's Helping Hand
Cada Lunes | Every Monday
11:00 pm - 12:00 pm
Cada Miércoles | Every Wednesday
12:30 pm - 1:30 pm
Brother Bill's Helping Hand
3906 N Westmoreland Road
Dallas, TX, 75212
469-559-6880 (Judith)
972-841-6359 (Luz)
¡Cada mamá y papá necesita apoyo! Únase a Hope Cottage en Brother Bill's para Clases de Crianza los lunes de 11am a 12pm o miércoles de 12:30pm a 1:30pm para aprender sobre las herramientas positivas de crianza. Para futuros padres e hijos a partir de 0 a 3 años
Every mom and dad needs support! Join Hope Cottage at Brother Bill’s for Parenting Classes on Wednesdays from 11:30-12:30 to learn about positive parenting skills. For expecting parents and children from 0-3 years old.
Los temas de la clase incluyen (Class topics include):
Desarrollo del niño (Child development)
Berrinches (Tantrums)
Entrenamiento para ir al baño (Potty training
Y más! (and more!)
This class is offered only in Spanish
¡Pañales Gratis!
Free Diapers!
Hope Cottage Clase Para Padres/Parenting Class at Jubilee Park
Spanish class
Cada Lunes | Every Monday
11:00 am - 12:00 pm
English class
y Cada Martes | Every Tuesday
1:00 pm - 2:00 pm
Jubilee Park
820 Ann Avenue
Dallas, TX 75223
Hope Cottage ofrece educación exhaustiva y confidencial con servicios gratis de tutoría para ayudar a abordar los desafíos diarios del embarazo y la crianza de los hijos.
Hope Cottage offers free thorough and confidential education and mentorship services to assist in addressing the daily challenges of pregnancy and parenting.
¡Pañales Gratis!
Free Diapers!
Hope Cottage Parenting Support Office Hours at Jubilee Park
Lunes/Monday 10:00 am - 2:00 pm
Martes/Tuesday 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm
Jubilee Park
917 Bank Street
Dallas, TX 75223
The Hope Cottage parenting team will be on-site to provide counseling and materials assistance to pregnant women and parents with children 0-36 months.
Hope Cottage Para Padres/Parenting Support at Bridge Builders' Community Market
Spanish class
Primer y Tercer Miercoles
1:00 pm - 2:00 pm
English class
2nd & 4th Wednesday
1:00 pm - 2:00 pm
Office Hours/Horario de oficina
2:00 - 3:00 pm
Bridge Builders' Community Market
5210 Bexar Street
Dallas Texas 75215
Call Blanca To Register: 972-890-2135
Llame A Blanca:
Every mom and dad needs support! Join Hope Cottage at Bridge Builders' Community Market on the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays of the month from 1-2 p.m. to learn about positive parenting skills. For expecting parents and parents with children from 0-5 years old.
*Designated pantry hours will be available for registered parents right after class from 2-3 p.m.
¡Cada mamá y papá necesita apoyo! Únase a Hope Cottage en el Mercado Comunitario de Bridge Builders el primer y tercer Miercoles del mes de 1-2 p.m. para aprender sobre las herramientas positivas de crianza. Aplica para padres de niños de 0 a 5 años y para futuros padres también.
*Las horas designadas de despensa estarán disponibles para los padres registrados justo después de la clase de 2 a 3 p.m.
There will be FREE diapers!
Register and attend the classes to receive them.
Habrá pañales GRATIS!
Si te registras para tomar la clase.
Los temas de la clase incluyen (Class topics include):
Desarrollo del niño (Child development)
Berrinches (Tantrums)
Entrenamiento para ir al baño (Potty training
Y más! (and more!)

Foster Parent Pre-Service Training
This is required training for all foster and kinship care applicants.

P.AP.A Training
The training will take place on the 3rd floor and participants will need to bring their own lunch. The training is free and teachers and licensed social workers will receive CEUs at completion.

Foster Parent Pre-Service Training
This is required training for all foster and kinship care applicants.

Foster Parent Pre-Service Training
This is required training for all foster and kinship care applicants.